This interactive online course, based on the work of neuroscientist & addiction psychiatrist Dr. Jud Brewer, inspires participants to:
Discover the science of habit change
Explore a step by step model to map out and outgrow unwanted habits (anxiety, procrastination, perfectionism, and unwanted behaviors)
Learn healthy sustainable strategies to adopt new behaviors
Develop an enhanced sense of agency
Connect with a caring community
The course offers:
A weekly live online group with a limited number of participants
The guidance and support by experienced facilitators
An in-depth exploration of core concepts
Opportunities to identify and unwind individual habit loops
A variety of awareness practices including mindful movement
About Your Teachers
Nancy Logue, PhD
Nancy Logue is a psychotherapist, educator, and perpetual student of the arts and science of healing and growth. Mind\body health has long been a focus of her personal and professional life and she has developed health promotion\primary prevention programs throughout her career. She is trained to teach a variety of mindfulness-based interventions (MBSR, MBCT, MSC, and MB-EAT) and is a qualified facilitator for individuals and groups using Dr. Jud Brewer’s Mindfulness-Based Habit Changes apps, Unwinding Anxiety, Eat Right Now and Craving to Quit. She also loves to help couples heal the obstacles to closeness – to rediscover and invest in their relationships changing the quality of their connection and perhaps their family’s life.
Laurence Magro, LM, LMHC
Laurence M. Magro, MBA, MS is a psychotherapist, educator, and practitioner of Mindfulness. She is the founder of Mindful Living NY, which offers counseling, training, and consulting to individuals, groups, and professional organizations in healthcare and education. She is trained to teach a number of mindfulness-based interventions including MBSR, MBCT, and is a qualified facilitator for individuals and groups using the mindfulness-based habit change Apps developed by Dr. Judson Brewer. Laurence’s approach to psychotherapy and mindfulness training draws on eastern contemplative traditions as well as western research in behavioral health and neuroscience. She is passionate about inspiring people to take an active role in enhancing their overall wellbeing and sense of purpose.
Recommended viewing: Dr. Judson Brewer’s Ted Talk
Recommended reading: The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love -Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits by Judson Brewer.